Eva Adamová

Eva Adamova

Eva Adamová comes from the Czech Republic, where she studied Pharmacology at the Charles University of Prague and later Physiology and Pharmacology at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. She also was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroscience from 2015 – 2018 at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, USA.

From 2018 – 2019 she was clinical assessor for regulatory procedures of medicinal products in Europe at the State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL), Prague, Czech Republic. Since 2020 she works as clinical researcher at the Czech Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (CZECRIN), Advanced Cell Immunotherapy Unit (ACIU), Brno, Czech Republic.


Have you ever been abroad for a significant length of time or on a humanitarian mission before?
I have three years’ experience of working in a multicultural and multilingual research team in the USA. I am going on my very first humanitarian mission with MSF.

Why did you decide to go on mission with MSF?
Some of my previous colleagues were from different countries and social backgrounds. Stories about the living conditions in their countries motivated me to work in a place where health care is difficult to access for the population. Also, I read many books written by MSF workers. All the people on this planet deserve quality health care. I would like to contribute to better health care in places where it is critical.

What do you value most about MSF?
MSF provides assistance in countries where access to medical care is really difficult. I am glad that MSF is not influenced by politics, does not support racial segregation or separates people based on religion. Bearing witness is also very important to me.

What are you looking forward to most on your (next) mission?
I am looking forward to working with international and local people from different culture backgrounds.

Is there anything that you take along to every mission?
I haven't been on a mission with MSF yet. However, I would take some books, running shoes (if possible due to the local situation), and a positive attitude.

What are you passionate about and how do you like to spend your free time?
I enjoy traveling, long distance trail running, hiking in the mountains, and sea kayaking.

Missions of Eva Adamová

  • Angola, April 2023 - Juli 2023 
  • South Sudan